St. Mary's Episcopal Church Kinston

EYC at Mary's Kitchen

EYC at Mary's Kitchen

Wednesday, November 23, 2022, 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Location: Mary's Kitchen, 110 N. Independence Street , Kinston, NC US 28501

Contact: Liz Hengst |

EYC at Mary's Kitchen!!!

Be sure to join the EYC on its annual day-before-Thanksgiving service at Mary's Kitchen on Wednesday, November 23rd from 8am-noon. The youth community at St. Mary's has been providing the meal at Mary's Kitchen on the day before Thanksgiving for many years, and it is always a joyful time of service and fellowship!  We look forward to this time together. Please email Liz Hengst at  if you are interested in serving. 

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