St. Mary's Episcopal Church Kinston

Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper

Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper

Tuesday, February 16, 2021, 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM

Location: Alley Adjacent to Moseley Hall, St. Mary's Church, 800 Rountree St. , Kinston, NC US 28501

Contact: Liz Hengst |

While the pandemic makes it impossible for us to fill Moseley Hall for our usual Shrove Tuesday festivities, the EYC offers a new, fun way to still celebrate with the following choices:

OPTION 1 - "Shrove Tuesday at Home" Kits
 Pre-order a Shrove Tuesday kit online at Realm under events or in-person (pre-order by Feb. 12th).
 Kit includes pancake mix, Nooherooka Natural sausage, fruit, syrup, and orange juice! Everything you need for a delicious Shrove Tuesday meal
Feeds either 2 people for $10 or 5 people for $20.
 Kits can be picked up Sunday, Feb. 14th from 8am-1pm outside the church or Monday, Feb. 14th-Tuesday, Feb. 16th from the parish office (8:30am-4:30pm).

OPTION 2 - “Shrove Tuesday To-Go" Plates
Pre-Order by February 12th for your Shrove Tuesday prepared to-go plates online at Realm under events or in-person.
 One plate will include 3 pancakes, Nooherooka Natural sausage, fruit, syrup, and orange juice! Gluten free and/or vegan options are available upon request.
To-Go Plates are donation only. All monetary profits will benefit EYC or you may make a food donation to benefit Mary’s Kitchen (current needs include hotdogs and buns).
 Plates can be picked up Tuesday, Feb. 16th from 4-6pm at St. Mary’s “Pancake Alley.”

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