St. Mary's Episcopal Church Kinston

Adult Christian Formation for Lent: "Sunday Morning Stories"

Adult Christian Formation for Lent: "Sunday Morning Stories"

Every Sunday, from 02/14/2021 to 03/28/2021, 10:45 AM - 2:45 PM

Location: Moseley Hall (St. Mary's Episcopal Church), 800 Rountree St., Kinston, NC US 28501

Contact: Audra Haddad |

During Lent, St. Mary’s Adult Christian Formation will host a series of “Sunday Morning Stories” from members, leaders, and friends of the St. Mary’s church family. As you prayerfully examine your daily life during Lent, you are invited to join the “Sunday Morning Stories” and hear from many who will be sharing some of their spiritual journey of living out their call from God, as well as the experiences that have brought them to where they are now. We will be hearing in their own words how they have perceived and answered God’s call. Our time together should allow for conversation and thought-provoking questions. As we listen to the stories of others, all participants will be encouraged throughout the season of Lent to consider their own “Spiritual Autobiography” as a way to help their discernment of God’s call on their lives.

Adult Christian Formation gathers on Sunday mornings from 10:45- 11:45am using a hybrid method of in-person in Moseley Hall or online via Zoom. All are invited to attend this special time of fellowship and formation on the Sunday mornings throughout this series: February 14 through March 21. 

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